Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mega Long Run 23 miler!

I met Dan, Michael, Clay and Dale (all running CIM in 5 weeks) at 60th and the aqueduct for a 20+ mile run. Dan, Michael and I ran together the whole way starting east to the turnaround and back on the dirt side. We made a pit stop at our cars and then headed west to 110th, again out on the asphalt and back on the dirt side. This was the first time I had completed the entire section of aqueduct in one run and it turned out to be 21.5 miles total. Michael pushed the pace on the way back and we were under 8:00 pace most of the way. I forgot to restart my Garmin at the pit stop but Clay and Dale both said it was 21.5 miles. I felt strong most of the way back and realized that If I ran 23 miles today I would have 170 for the month, so I turned back around and did two more miles. I also figured if I was going to go longer than 20 it should be this weekend giving me 5 more weeks until race day. Because of the Garmin mishap I had to go by Dan's watch and estimate that It took me almost exactly 3 hours to run at least 23 miles (probably more like 23.5). It was a beautiful calm morning and I was over dressed again in my long sleeves.

October monthly totals 170 miles! I don't have good records past the last two years but I believe this may be my highest monthly total ever! I have always been a fairly low mileage marathoner.

Our Twin Cities Marathon picture came in the mail and I thought I would share it. This was the only decent picture with the two of us in it. Do my arms really cross over that much?

Running Times Magazine (December 2009) came out this week and it is always a better read than Runners World. This issue had a good article on: Pain - How Top Athletes Manage the Mental Stress of Racing. Here are two quotes I liked:

"My best races have been when I decided right from the get-go, I'm here. I'm going to go until I blow up. Being a distance runner is about handling pain. If you can't manage pain, you probably won't end up as a distance runner." --Kara Goucher

"I think about Jesus on the cross. I think about my wife. I think about my family watching the race at home. Sometimes I really don't think about anything. I find the best way to manage pain is not to have a set formula because different things work at different times. What matters is that the thoughts are positive."--Ryan Hall

I also found this article titled "Pushing Past the Pain of Exertion" linked off There is definitey a difference between exertion pain and acute injury pain. You have to know the difference to race well and avoid hurting yourself. Mr. McCall from the American Council on Exercise has some advice: “Exertion pain comes down to three words: ‘Suck it up.’ ”

I fully expect some "exertion pain" in 5 weeks. I hope that I am able to "suck it up" and maintain my goal pace (6:40) for as long as possible. Threshold runs and long tempo runs are a good way to train your body to deal with some amount of discomfort or pain. I like to use the term "mental toughness," which you gain from good hard training. Positive thoughts and thinking is also imperative.

Finally, here is a good interview on tapering in your last few weeks for the marathon from Ryan Hall. The information is great but I don't know why he is on a leg extension machine. You would think he would have better trainers than that. If he has any patellofemoral pain he can blame that machine. If he doesn't have any patellofemoral problems he may soon. Great information and great interview though. Check it out.

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DCHS XC said...

Your hands only went to midline, not really crossed over. What do expect for running economy doing 8:50 pace?
Good run today!

Chuck said...

Great job on your 23 miler! Looks like you are physically ready for CIM. I also like to use the term "mental toughness". I beleive that mental toughness is one of the most important ingredients in running a fast marathon. No matter how well you have trained, if you are really pushing the envelope, those last few miles are going to hurt!

Looking forward to watching the NYC Marathon on Universal Sports. I believe that portions of the race are also going to be shown on NBC at 11am.