Friday, April 30, 2010

April monthly recap

I got in an easy 6 miles this morning. My right knee didn't start bothering me until mile 3! Progress! I am excited to start training consistenly for some shorter distances but will wait until this knee heals up before writing a plan for the summer.

Total mileage for April was 111 and I was at 444 after March (that math was easy!) so I am at 555 for the year. Just less than half of my April mileage came on April 17th. Pathetic. I seem to be walking on thin ice this month with nagging injuries. Last year my April total was 90 and I was dealing with some calf issues so I guess this year is better than last.

Thirsty Thursdays with Jack Daniels is back. I recommend watching this weekly video interview with one of the greatest running coaches and exercise physiologists out there. It is not every day that you get to hear from someone with so much knowledge and experience for free! Thank you Mr. Daniels for offering your knowledge on Flotrack.

This weekend is another big one with the Peyton Jordan Cardinal Inviational at Standford tomorrow and the OC Marathon on Sunday. Sergio Reyes will be running the 10k at Stanford in the slower heat with hopes to get a qualifying time for Nationals. You can watch the meet live here. There are many Olympians and hopefuls running, the distance races are stacked! Jen Barringer is making her professional debut in the 1500m!

My friend Dan is running the OC half marathon and I assume Chuck is running the full since he has a streak going there. Good luck to you both!

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