Saturday, September 26, 2009

12 mile fast finish run

Andi, Dale, Dan, Chuck and I started at 6:00 am on a 12 mile fast finish run. We planned on 8:30s for the first 8 and then pick it up for the last four. What happened was 8:30 for the first mile, then dropping down to 8:15-8:10 for the next seven. Chuck had some calf cramping that stopped him after about three miles. Dale maintained pace and finished 15. Andi stayed with Dale until 10 miles and then finished strong. Dan and I took off after 8 and ran the next 2 at about 7:00 pace, then dropped a 6:30 and 6:15 to finish. (these splits are estimated...I forgot my garmin, but Dan has a Polar watch with a foot pod for pace/distance/time calculations). Total time for 12 miles was about 1:33 (avg pace 7:45). Dan and I both did ice baths afterward. It was a good effort and Andi's last before Twin Cities, with easy runs for her the rest of the week.


Chuck said...

Enjoyed the company. Andi is really looking good! She is ready for a big day at TCM.

Daniel said...

I was really happy to run hard again after last week's debacle. I'm looking forward to hearing about Twin Cities, homecoming, & rockin a time trial later next month.