Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good News and Bad News

The bad news is that there has been very little running going on this past week. I took the week off due to continued right knee pain that was now bothering me even when walking and at work. I was doing some self cross friction massage and icing on occasion. Friday morning the weather was beautiful and I was going to test it and go for a run, but I woke up feeling ill. I was sick all weekend with different symptoms every day. I tried to run on Saturday and got in a 4 mile run but was exhausted afterward and had a headache the rest of the day. So there was no running for me today either. Andi got in a long run on Saturday and a short bike-run brick today in preparation for her triathlon this coming weekend. I have run 4 miles in the last week and feel like I am starting over again. I just hope I can get back into some kind of 5k shape for July 4th. It may not be as fast as I would like it to be.

The good news is that I had no knee pain on my short 4 mile run on Saturday.

I was reading Kara Goucher's blog and she had some good advice on running when sick. She says she is always sick this time of year and is never able to run the Stanford Invitational.

Kara wrote: "Like most competitive runners I used to try to train through sickness. And as most competitive runners eventually do, I learned the hard way that it’s usually a bad idea. It accomplishes nothing except to make me run poorly and stay sick longer. Now my policy is to do easy runs only when I am sick without a fever and to not run at all when I have a fever. Not only that, but I also wait until a few days after I feel better to start doing harder workouts again. I’ve learned that jumping back into hard training too quickly after a cold or flu seems to have gone a way can make it come back."

Good advice.

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