Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Windy Wednesday

It is supposed to be windy for the next two days. Not just a little windy, I'm talking 30+ mph! I will set my alarm for 6am but if it is that bad I will roll back over in bed. Even I'm not that hard core.

Some interesting articles to check out.
Dean Karnazes had an interesting post on his blog today about the worlds running population.

Ever wonder what America's worst foods are? This site that lists the calories and fat grams for some of the absolute worst restaurant and fast foods.

Want to compare nutrition facts of french fries and more at fast food restaurants and find the healthiest option, if there is such a thing. Check this site out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ty, Leigh, Brad and I went over all the fast food, nutrition stuff that you sent. That is very gross, and makes you not want to at out EVER!!!! Mom